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Showing posts from May, 2010

SOUND HORIZON - Elysion Overview (English)

Once upon a time there was a poor thief known as Masked Man. He had a daughter named Elyse who was sick and couldn't be living for long. On Elyse' 8th birthday, she asked her father for a picture book. Masked Man had no money, so he left the house to steal money in order to buy her daughter that book as a birthday present. He went to a wedding party, killed the groom, but was stabbed by the bride. Bearing that critical wound, he crawled back home along the road covered in snow. Meanwhile his daughter was in her last moment of life, and was sunken in illusions. She asked her father questions about the Heaven, without any answer. In the end both father and daughter died. The thief was cursed and had to search for his daughter eternally, while the daughter went straight to Heaven. And then, through the Abyss side of the album, Masked Man was wandering through various time and space, searching for five little girls that committed sins - Ark, Baroque, Yield, Sacrifice and Stardust -

Cerita Album Sound Horizon - Elysion

Cerita di album Sound Horizon ini bermula dari anak albino yang bernama 'El/Elice' yang hidup dengan ayahnya yang dikenal sebagai 'Abyss'. Suatu hari, El sakit dan ayahnya kebingungan mengurusnya dan pergi. Ternyata ayahnya menculik beberapa gadis untuk dijadikan pengganti anaknya. Gadis yang diculik tersebut ada 5 dan semuanya tidak bisa dijadikan pengganti El. Kelima gadis tersebut muncul di beberapa lagu di album Elysion, yaitu Ark, Baroque, Yield, Sacrifice, dan Stardust. ~Cerita pertama yaitu Ark adalah cerita tentang kakak beradik yang sangat dekat dan saling mencintai tetapi hampir terlihat sebagai sepasang kekasih. Sang adik mempunyai kepercayaan, yaitu kepercayaan tentang 'Ark (pisau)' yang bisa mengantarkan mereka berdua ke surga jika menusukkan 'Ark' itu pada dirinya dan kakaknya. Suatu hari sang adik berkata "Kak, ayo kita ke surga.." tetapi kakaknya menolak dengan halus. Adiknya tak menerima pernyataan kakaknya dan menusuk kakaknya